IB Units

Who We Are Project

Three Branches of Government Brochure

Since we have been studying governmental systems including our own, you will need to create a brochure representing information that you have learned about our three branches of government.

Your Project will be graded in two main parts:

1. Content for each branch shall include facts about each branch. (see grading rubric)

2. Visual presentation of the brochure, like illustrations or symbols that pertain to that branch and additional facts presented on all panels of the brochure. (see rubric)

You will need to complete this assignment at home and bring to school on October 10, 2014 with your grading rubric attached.

Rubric for 3 Branches of Government Brochure

A. Content: (70 pts total)Facts about each branch (3 per)

Executive Branch (21 pts)

Legislative Branch (21 pts)

Judicial Branch (21 pts)

Id and label all 3 branches (3 pts)

Complete sentences with correct punctuation (4 pts)


B. Visual Presentation: (30 pts total)

Each panel has been decorated or written on (10 pts)

Title has been clearly written on front panel (5 pts)

Your name has been written on a panel (5 pts)

Illustrations a symbolic in nature (5 pts)

Presentation is neat (5 pts)


Who We Are

Central idea: Government systems and decisions can or deny equal opportunities and social justice.

Key concepts of Perspective, connection, function

during this unit. We will explore our government both state and federal. Students will look at function of the government and what the constitution does for our country. Students will then reflect on how they can make a difference in the world we live in.

Lines of inquiry center around three main ideas or observations.

  • The structure and purposes of government systems
  • Human rights and social justice are ensured by checks and balances or the Bill of Rights
  • Responsibilities and roles of governments and leaders

Teacher questions:

  • Who are the decision-makers?
  • How do governments function locally and globally? (levels)
  • How do perspectives of different governments or deny human rights?
  • Why is a governing body needed?


Unit Vocabulary:


Sharing the Planet

Central idea: Living things adapt to survive in an environment and co-exist with one another.

Key concepts of connection, responsibility, and change during this unit. We will explore our connections to the planet, and what we are currently doing to either , or hinder our environment. Students will look at their responsibility in making the planet a better place. Students will then reflect on how they can make a difference in the planet we all share.

Lines of inquiry center around three main ideas or observations.

  • The ways that living things adapt.

  • Change and its impact on living things, both human and animal.
  • Environmental factors will affect changes with living things.

Teacher questions:

  • If the rainforest were depleted from the Earth, what would the effect be on our daily lives?
  • Identify and explain purposes of adaptations in all living things.
  • Which adaptations are necessary in each region of North Carolina?
  • How can our impact the local and global environment?




How the World Works

Central idea: electricity and magnetism impact society.Key concepts of perspective, function, and connection during this unit. We will explore how electricity and magnetism are connected both to each other and our own lives. We will explore our perspective on electricity and how we need it, compared to how electricity is needed throughout other parts of the world. And finally, we will explore the function of electricity as a means to aid our survival, while asking ourselves, are we dependent on it in a debate style discussion.

Lines of inquiry: Focus on energy creation, sources and impact throughout the world.

  • Creating energy
  • Energy sources used worldwide
  • Impacts of electricity and magnetism

Teacher questions

  • How is electricity created?
  • How are electricity and magnetism related?
  • What are various energy sources available on our planet?
  • How did the invention of electricity change the lives of living things?


How We Express Ourselves

Central idea: Cultures express history through the use of symbols.

Key concepts of perspective, connection, and function during this unit. Students will look at the reasons certain symbols are significant to North Carolina and the world, and how they are related. Students will compare the different meaning of symbols and structures to gain perspective on how cultures view various symbols. Finally, students will complete a mini research project on a symbol of their choice identifying the function of that symbol in their community. At the end of the unit, students will create their own symbol using all they have learned to represent our classroom.

Lines of inquiry: focus on how symbols unite and strengthen groups of people around the world. Students will study how various cultures use and view symbols in daily life from past to present.

  • A symbol represents an idea, belief, or action of importance
  • Landmarks convey meaning
  • Exploring global symbols/themes

Teacher questions

  • Why are certain structures significant to a community?
  • How do certain structures convey meaning?
  • What influences do symbols have on a region?


Where We Are in Place and Time

Central idea: Individuals impact their local and global community.Key concepts of change, reflection, responsibility, and connection during this unit. We will look at the changes over time that resulted from the impacts of historical figures, and reflect on how the world would be if not for these figures. We will look at our responsibility in ensuring our world continues to be made a better place. Finally, we will look at the impact history makes around the world to our own lives and the lives of other historical figures to understand their impact on the world.

Lines of inquiry for this unit focus on the impact made by historical figures, both good and bad.

  • Study of historical events and the individuals involved

  •  Relationship between historical events and personal achievements
  • The global impact of individuals
  • The impact of historical events on our lives

Teacher questions

  • How do historical events change the individuals involved?
  • What lasting impact have individuals made on our local and global communities?
  • What individual has made the greatest impact on you personally?
  • What is my personal responsibility to positively impact my local and global community?


How We Organize Ourselves

Central idea: Resources affect and shape the local and global economy.

Key concepts of causation, connection, and function during this unit. Students will look at the factors that cause businesses to make certain decisions, get started, or fail. They will study their own connection to the economy through their own personal financial decisions. Students will also begin to understand how an economy functions through supply and demand and apply to their own lives.

Lines of inquiry for this unit focus on how a market economy functions within itself and within the world as a whole.

  • Basic concepts of a market economy
  • Scarcity and choice
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Personal financial decisions

Teacher questions

  • How do scarcity and choice impact business decisions?
  • How do North Carolina's resources impact the local and global economy?
  • How are the local and global economies dependent on each other?